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Peterborough: 01733 822 227

Joseph Business Sales & Growth...

The minimum goal in any business is to outperform the turnover for the previous year, and the most common measure is a like for like comparison. This means an exact measure of your business for this year versus last, ignoring any additional sites opened in the last year as this would not be direct comparison.

So, the first thing you need to think about is setting a target for the next 12 months and calculate how much growth that will achieve.

A traditional way to look at this would be to prepare a budget with a month by month breakdown of the year ahead, but this approach is very often flawed as a paper-based exercise and really only works when backed up by a detailed sales strategy. We are here to help you with that detailed sales strategy and supporting you to make it reality - or even better, exceeding your goals!

The Sales Strategy

This is a huge area but a few pointers to consider:

  • Are you thinking about adding more resources?
  • Are you getting enough out of your existing resources?
  • Are you thinking about increasing your marketing spend?
  • Are you looking at different markets for your products and services?
  • Can you add more value into your services?
  • Can you increase the average spend of your current customers?
  • Are your employees targeted?
  • Do they get rewarded for up-selling and cross-selling?
  • Do you currently have a planned activity for all of your customers?
  • Are you bring new products or services to the market?

Are Your Selling Processes Robust?

You can have the best sales strategy in the world, but if you take too long to respond to enquiries or you don't respond to quote requests then your business will simply not perform and grow as it should.

Joseph Creative © can come in and review your entire sales processes and check that you are maximising every lead.

Think about where are all your opportunities are coming come:-

  • Catalogue Requests
  • Web Enquiries
  • Sample Requests
  • Email Enquiries
  • Telephone Enquires

How are these recorded and followed up?

The Basics

Most businesses are not doing the basics correctly and that is where the gold is. What are the basics?

  • Are you talking to all of your customers regularly and in a planned way?
  • Are you using a CRM system (customer relationship management)?
  • Recording all of your opportunities and recording the outcome - Won or Lost
  • Focus on the 20% of customers bringing you 80% of your business
  • Exceptional customer service - Not good or average, it needs to be exceptional
  • Are you email broadcasting?
  • Are you looking for new prospects?
  • Are you opening new accounts every day / week?
  • Are your new accounts spending?
  • Are your staff trained regularly on all your products and services?

Please contact Joseph Creative © today for your no obligation quote. Telephone: 01733 822 227 or contact us using the form provided.


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  • Joseph Creative Business Ltd

  • Trinity Court, Trinity Street

  • Peterborough, PE1 1DA

  • Call: 01733 822 227

  • Causewayside Street

  • Glasgow, G32 8LP

  • Call: 01733 822 227

  • Let's get started >