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Look At Your Business As If You Were a New Customer

Share Joseph Look At Your Business As If You Were a New Customer:

28 July 2022

It’s probably something that you haven’t down for a while, if ever at all.

Firstly, identify all the touch points of your business on both existing and new customers.


Essentially looking at all forms of communication and is the information relevant and up-to-date.


They typically would look like but not limited to:

  • Website
  • Google My Business
  • LinkedIn Profiles
  • LinkedIn Company Profiles
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Autoresponders
  • Email communications
  • Quotes / Proposals
  • Company Literature
  • Blogs
  • Signage
  • Business cards
  • APPS

Look at all the above with a fresh pair of eyes and maybe have someone external from the business help you with this, not family or friends, you need the whole truth.

 It’s very important to understand that in today’s world most new customers will be looking at you from a digital perspective and this is the first impression that they are going to have about your business rightly or wrongly.

The initial perception is everything as your depth of knowledge, your products or services may be simply discounted from what can be seen at first glance.

Ask yourself this question, would you buy from your company based on what information you are giving to the prospective customer?

Understand your customers why, Why should they buy from you, have you thoroughly explained your services in a way that can be easily understood?

So, let’s look at a few key areas:



Without doing a complete website audit, a few things to get right are:


 Are your news / blogs up-to-date?

This is a classic mistake made by so many companies, they simply stop posting information about their business, maybe because they become too busy or they run out of ideas but this forms a massive trust issue with your visitors, would you buy from a company that’s last blog post was 4 years ago?


 Social Media

Is your social media up-to-date and is it integrated into your website?

This can be done by actually embedding the feed into your pages.

Again, this will give the visitor a huge sense of confidence that your business is active and posting on social media platforms

This is known as “The Circle Of Trust”


Quotes / Proposals

Another overlooked area, how does your company proposals reflect your business and services?

I see many businesses just sending a quote, a list of services or products with a price.

Compare that to a business that provides more information about the benefits of their services and their company, frequently asked questions, guarantees, payment terms etc.

And it’s not just about the information, I recently ordered from a company and when I received the goods it was accompanied with an old style photocopied black and white letter, really old fashioned and looked very unprofessional.

Make your proposals stand out, many customers will ask for multiple proposals, so make yours stand out from the crowd and maybe send a printed copy in the post with professional binding.

And finally….


If you really want to understand your customers perception and journey, then perform these 3 checks.

  1. Google yourself – your name
  2. Google your company name
  3. Google your core services


In all cases where did you appear on the Google ranking, what information was displayed?

With regards to the 3rd search, how did it take to find your company?

If you were a customer looking for your services, would you have kept going looking?\

Take at least one day per month to work on your business.



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