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Kick Start your 2024 Marketing Srategy

Share Joseph Kick Start your 2024 Marketing Strategies:

5 March 2024

I’ve put together a few ideas to kick start your business in 2024 and probably the most important aspect of this advice is to get started before we get there.


Marketing strategies and planning can take a little time and therefore the sooner we get started the quicker we will see results.


Everyone is always looking at the next big thing but do have basics covered off?


The first place to start is exiting customers and understanding that it is much easier for your current customers to buy more services and products from you and it is highly likely that you could gain at least another 33% of business by having strategies to keep in regular contact with them.


So, are you happy with 33% growth in 2024?

Email Communication with your existing customers


Effective email communication with your existing customers is crucial for maintaining strong relationships, driving customer loyalty, and encouraging repeat business. Here are some key principles and strategies to keep in mind when communicating with your existing customers via email:




Segment your email list to tailor your messages to specific customer groups. Consider factors such as spending and non-spending, demographics, and preferences. Personalisation increases engagement.




Use the recipient's first name in the email greeting and personalise content based on their past interactions with your brand. Highlight relevant products, services, or content.


Clear and Compelling Subject Lines


Craft concise and attention-grabbing subject lines that clearly convey the email's purpose. Avoid spammy or misleading subject lines.


Valuable Content


Provide valuable and relevant content that addresses your customers' needs or interests. Share informative articles, special offers, product updates, and exclusive discounts.

Giving value to your customers is essential to a great email campaign.




Be very careful when using graphics on your emails, particularly if you are looking for a reply from your emails.

We don’t reply to marketing emails that use lots of graphics and images as we recognise these as marketing emails.


Consistent Branding


Maintain consistent branding in your emails, including logo placement, colour schemes, and fonts. This reinforces your brand identity and builds recognition.


Clear Call to Action (CTA)


Include a clear and compelling CTA that guides recipients on what action to take next. Whether it's making a purchase, reading an article, or signing up for an event, the CTA should be easily identifiable.


Mobile Optimisation


Ensure that your emails are mobile-responsive, as a significant portion of recipients will view them on mobile devices. Test your emails on different devices and email clients to ensure proper display.

A/B Testing5ewer


Experiment with A/B testing to optimise email elements like subject lines, content, visuals, and CTAs. Analyse the results to refine your email campaigns.


Timing and Frequency


Consider the timing and frequency of your emails. Avoid overwhelming customers with excessive emails and be mindful of time zones. Test different send times and days to determine what works best for your audience. Avoid Monday’s and Fridays.


Engagement Tracking


Use email marketing tools to track open rates, click-through rates, and other engagement metrics. Analyse this data to understand what content resonates most with your audience.


Feedback Solicitation


Encourage feedback from customers through surveys or direct email responses. Show that you value their opinions and are committed to continuous improvement.


Customer Support


Provide clear contact information and avenues for customer support in case recipients have questions or issues. Responsive customer service is key to retaining customers.


Re-Engagement Campaigns


If you notice inactive subscribers, consider re-engagement campaigns to win them back. Offer incentives or reminders of the value you provide.


Opt-Out Options


Include an easy-to-find and straightforward opt-out or unsubscribe link in compliance with email marketing regulations. Respect your customers' preferences.


By following these best practices, you can foster positive relationships with your existing customers through email communication, keeping them engaged, informed, and satisfied with your products or services.



Face To Face Meetings with Your Key Accounts


After Covid we are not seeing our customers in real life as much as we used to and, in some circumstances, we have stopped and now we are only doing video conferencing. Whilst this is very efficient you will be missing out on the real benefit on having face to face contact, consider how you can mix this up and start seeing your key accounts more in 2024.


Preparing a contact strategy for your customers is essential, against each customer and depending on spend and potential the following activities should be considered.


All these activities can be scheduled into your CRM system.


Face to Face Meeting

Video Conferencing

Phone Calls


Email Broadcasts



Live Chat Software





When dealing with customers its vital that all communication is being recorded, most of my clients are simply not communication with their existing customers enough and that will for sure be costing them a significant amount of revenues.


An effective CRM system will hold all communications with your customers with all customers having at least one task that’s needs to be performed during any 12-month period.


That could be an annual call, a face-to-face meeting, following up an enquiry or a deal but every record should have a follow up task.


You can see without a CRM this is virtually impossible to keep a track on what is happening.


Here are a few Suggested CRM systems:


HubSpot ( My favourite)



Capsule CRM


Look out for my next Notebook where I will be going into CRM’s in much more detail.


Enjoy getting in touch more with your existing customers and watch your revenues grow.


 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How early should I start implementing these marketing strategies for 2024?

A: Starting as soon as possible is crucial for seeing quicker results. Planning and executing your marketing strategies early can significantly impact your growth and success in 2024.

Q: Why is focusing on existing customers recommended?

A: Existing customers are more likely to buy additional services and products from you. Engaging with them can potentially increase your business by at least another 33% due to already established trust and familiarity with your brand.

Q: What are some effective ways to communicate with existing customers?
A: Effective email communication, personalized content, clear subject lines, and valuable content are key. Additionally, face-to-face meetings and utilizing CRM systems for tracking interactions can greatly enhance customer relationships.

Q: What is the importance of segmentation in email marketing?
A: Segmentation allows you to tailor your messages to specific customer groups based on their preferences, spending habits, and demographics, increasing engagement and personalization.

Q: How can I ensure my emails are mobile-responsive?
A: Designing emails with mobile optimization in mind is crucial as many users access their emails on mobile devices. Testing your emails on various devices and email clients ensures they display correctly.

Q: What is A/B testing, and how can it improve my email campaigns?
A: A/B testing involves experimenting with different elements of your emails (such as subject lines or content) to see which version performs better. Analyzing the results helps refine your strategy for better engagement.

Q: How frequently should I email my customers?
A: The frequency should be balanced to avoid overwhelming your customers. Testing different send times and days, while avoiding Mondays and Fridays, can help determine the best schedule for your audience.

Q: Why is face-to-face contact with customers important?
A: Face-to-face meetings build stronger relationships, offer deeper insights into customer needs, and can lead to more significant opportunities than virtual interactions alone.

Q: What functionalities should a good CRM system offer?
A: A good CRM system should record all communications with customers, manage tasks and follow-ups, and integrate with your marketing efforts to ensure no opportunity is missed.

Q: Can you recommend any CRM systems?
A: Some popular CRM systems include HubSpot, Salesforce, and Capsule CRM, with HubSpot being a favorite for its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface.

Q: How can I get more in-depth information on utilizing CRM systems?
A: Stay tuned for the next Notebook entry, where we will delve into CRM systems in detail, exploring how they can enhance your customer engagement and support your business growth.

Remember, engaging with your existing customers and leveraging the right tools and strategies can significantly impact your business's success in 2024 and beyond.


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