When you are thinking about marketing the very first thing you need to consider is your vision.
What vision to do you have for your marketing and what outcomes are you looking to achieve.
These need to be interlinked with your sales activities, for example you would like to sell more widgets, then these widgets need to be part of the marketing campaign.
Of course, there are many different things that need to be considered but your vision is the overview to your marketing strategy, and this will underpin everything you do.
Your vision will want to encompass where you want the business to be in the short, medium, and long term and your activities should be measurable with actual growth targets set, these can be used to ensure you are going to reach your goals.
Be careful with target, measure them daily and keep very focused every month in ensuring your business is on track. Breaking our targets in daily measurements means we will be focused on the target 21 times per month as opposed to just looking as you approach the month end, quarter end or year end, in effect it creates many more possibilities to grow the business and that focus is what will bring in the results.
If you would like to know more about creating a vision and 90 day planning then please drop us a message or email [email protected]
#vision #marketing #uk #targets #marketingstrategy
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